Our Old Dragons go on to such a wide variety of careers, in a wide range of fields, and all take many different paths to get there. Whatever path you take, and whatever field you end up in, whether it is Geology or Glastonbury, we want to keep you connected. By updating your details, we can keep in touch, send you your OD publications and relevant event invitations.
Please ensure that you have read and understood the Dragon School Privacy Notice before submitting this form. Please contact the Development Office with any queries on +44 (0)1865 315 510 or email [email protected].
(Re)Discover the Dragon

Dates for your diary
From regular reunions to Dragon Drinks, Remembrance Sunday to the Dragon Sale, there are lots of opportunities to come back to Bardwell Road.

Keep Connected
Moved house? Changed Email? Update your details with us to keep connected with the Dragon.

Support Us
In 1886, it was parents’ faith and financial support which enabled the fulfilment of an extraordinary vision – to found a school that would inspire and nurture each child’s unique gifts.