
Apr 21, 2020

Our Dragon D&T department have been working hard to enable the production of PPE visors at the Dragon, for NHS staff at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.

Head of Design & Technology at the Dragon, Angus Nicholson, and his family, have begun constructing PPE visors for key workers at the JR. Yesterday, 250 PPE visors were created, in line with the correct safety procedures and Government guidance on social distancing, with more set to be donated this week. The PPE visors will be distributed within the JR’s maternity ward by Dr Lawrence Impey, Consultant in Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine, who is an OD himself and current parent at the Dragon.

Huge thanks to the Nicholson team, who are back in the department today, constructing more. The additional visors constructed will be donated to the JR’s central resources for wider use at the hospital.

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