A Walk Down Dragon Lane …

Mar 23, 2023

This term, we took a (virtual) stroll down Dragon Lane with the Clark family. The first of the Clarks to attend the Dragon, in 1918, was Colin Clark (OD 1919) whose father, James, lost his third fortune during WWI when his Plymouth-based jam factory went bust. The Clark family lived in Newton Ferris where Hum Lynam took his holidays. James spoke to Hum and asked how he could pay for his son, Colin’s, education. Hum suggested he send Colin to the Dragon and he would surely win a scholarship. This happened and the Dragon honours board lists Colin as winning the 1st Scholarship to Winchester in 1919.

Next to follow in Colin’s footsteps was his son, David O. Clark (OD 1964) who was followed by his son, Giles T. Clark (OD 2001). This term we took a stroll down memory lane with them both …


My time at the Dragon School in three words

David: Dark Blue Corduroy
Hmm … muddy knees

When I was a young Dragon, I wanted to be

David: Engine driver of course
Bear Grylls

The superpower I wish I had

David: Flying
To be able to fly and sing with birds (though really any sort of musical ability would be marvelous)

Eggy or marble runs?

David: Marble runs
Loved the wheeling and dealing free market bliss of the marble season

My inspiration growing up

David: Inky
My naughty friends, who were all much more outgoing than me – the most naughty doubtless being Dillon King, Sam Carter and Checky Hoyland. Also my history teacher and athletics coach, Mr Motivator – Harry Hastings

At the top of my bucket list

David: To hitchhike from Port Said to Durban
More Scottish Dancing lessons with Pa Hoyland

My most memorable moment at the Dragon

David: Winning the Diary Prize
Being fished out of the pool during the swimming test!

My biggest achievement

David: Marrying and raising a family
Not yet growing up

The advice I would give to my younger self

David: Think before you jump.
Be patient lad. It wouldn’t work of course.

In one sentence, what does it mean to be a Dragon?

David: Free to be what you want.
What we used to say in the rugby huddles when we were getting a shoeing – ‘never lie down’

Since my Dragon days …

David: Went to Oxford University, raised a family, lived in London, Cairo, New York, Stockholm and Luxembourg. Was a pioneer in the derivatives market and worked for the European Union.
I’ve been cooking mostly. And am now in Los Angeles opening a club and a restaurant with some friends from Japan.


Would you like to take a ‘walk down Dragon Lane’? Please get in touch with the Development team; we’d love to hear from you.

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Diary Dates

From regular reunions to Dragon Drinks, Remembrance Sunday to the Dragon Sale, there are lots of opportunities to come back to Bardwell Road.


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In 1886, it was parents’ faith and financial support which enabled the fulfilment of an extraordinary vision – to found a school that would inspire and nurture each child’s unique gifts.

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